Clean Sweep Micro Filter

Clean Sweep Micro Filter
Contaminants in unfiltered compressed air eventually have disastrous effect on the end products. To increase the performance of pneumatic tools these contaminants need to filtered periodically. Oil and water are present both in liquid and vapour state. Coalescing filters with filter media
Any kind of pneumatic tool perform its best when it is filtered of the various contaminants at regular intervals of time. These contaminants could be dirt, oil and water that come unfiltered through compressed air. The oil and water mostly exist in liquid or vapour forms. Getting rid of these contaminants is a must to prevent any unfavourable effects on your end products. Trident produces coalescing filters that help remove liquid oil and water. The micro filter manufacturing process consists of a filter media made up of boro silicate micro glass fibres. On the other hand, the oil in vapour form is removed using activated carbon filters.
A wide range of end-users are now using the microfiltration membranes for manifold sets of uses. Unlike several other kinds of equipment for treating water and waste-water, the majority of microfiltration membranes are extremely specific in application. Also, the individual types of products rarely compete with each other. For instance, gaseous filtration or filtration of liquids consisting of high amounts of corrosive chemicals is commonly filtered using PTFE membranes. Also, the microfiltration spiral membranes that are best used for processing dairy products and industrial biotechnological necessities are increasing each day sue to their vast list of utilities. There are a lot many companies that provide you with a lot many solutions engineered to suit your need in the best possible way, one among which is Trident. These solutions not only help you grow your business but also help you stay ahead of the emerging technologies. Some of the key features of micro filters are:-
- Although at lower effectiveness, particles upto 0.01 microns are filtered
- Provides you the facility of standard fitment of automatic drain valve
- A very low pressure drop of 1 PSI for dry media and 2-3 for wet media with 10-20 wt oil
- Provides you with a status indicator
- Offers you a maximum oil carry over value of 0.008 ppm w/w
- Different grades of coalesce for manifold applications
Coalescers and interceptors are two further types of typical 0.01 micron filters of this series. These coalescing filters are fine strands of Borosilicate glass fibre that can coalesce the finest of oil and water aerosils. These fine droplets of oil and water further coalesce to form a large droplet that falls down due to the gravity. On the other hand, the interceptors help in removing particles. These filters have a very low pressure drop. They are used either after the filtration process in the desiccant dryer or for any general use for fusal instrument protectors.
Trident has thrived in the business of catering to various requirements of the customers by offering them with the best of micro filters. These requirements range from the various commercial to the various residential sectors for the filtration of oil and water. There are many varieties available in Trident’s wide spectrum of filters that are suitable for all compressed air systems namely the sensitive and CNC m/c, painting systems, instruments, packaging etc. These filters feature accurate performance, superior quality and resistance to wear and tear which makes them highly demanded in the market. Their sound infrastructure in micro filter manufacturing has made this possible.